Catface/The Just Joans/The Plimptons/Les Enfant Bastard/Unknown Forces Of Everyday Life

The Captain's Rest

The Littlest Album has been one of the more interesting ongoing projects in the Scottish music scene. The basic concept is twelve bands, seven inches, one minute each. Over the two preceding volumes it has thrown up some compact gems of brevity and experimentation. In fact, in a number of cases the best thing a band ever did. Tonight is the first leg of the launch for volume three. more… “Catface/The Just Joans/The Plimptons/Les Enfant Bastard/Unknown Forces Of Everyday Life”

Frida Hyvonen

Until Death Comes

It seems harsh to criticise this album for its lack of substance, especially because making it sound so sparse and thrifty was clearly a deliberate ploy. more… “Frida Hyvonen”

Dan Sartain

Join Dan Sartain

Oooh! Dan thinks he’s dangerous.` Just look at him pointing a gun at his head on the cover. And listen to all those songs about tattoos, skulls, murder and casual misogyny more… “Dan Sartain”

Icicle Works


Icicle WorksWhile Liverpool was cool in the early eighties (Teardrops, Bunnymen etc) on the periphery were a trio of raggedy assed looking hippies called The Icicle Works. They produced four albums of varied and generally great music. Then, frontman Ian McNabb got the offer of a major deal as long as he dropped the chaff from the band. more… “Icicle Works”



The Pipettes’ debut album (We Are The Pipettes) is over-produced and over-long. The bombastic stylings giving it the feel of some lost eighties band rather than the candy-coloured sixties girl-group they aspire to be seen as. Luckily most of that is missing from their live show more… “Pipettes”

The Aphrodisiacs

King Tut's Wah-wah Hut

Icicle WorksThere was a time, not so long ago, when the world seemed ready for the taking by Motherwell’s (ever seen anything about them that didn’t mention where they’re from?) The Aphrodisiacs. They were surfing the zeitgeist of trendy angular rock. more… “The Aphrodisiacs”


Don't Be An Asshole, Dustin

This latest collection of songs from former My Legendary Girlfriend frontman is available to download from his website. C’mon, you got no reason not to check it out.

And, what’s on offer is a collection of brilliantly crafted and deliciously cynical songs. Anyone that’s been in a band that doesn’t recognise Somewhere Near Preston, needs to rethink the bands they’re in. Librarians on the strange allure of defining yourself as a geek, cos it’s cool. Mouseclick Mountain will be mandatory as a ringtone come the revolution ‘ it gets into your head that much. Neither Of Us Like Bowling just makes me want to re-evaluate everything.

OK, in places the wilful misanthropy backfires. But, also if gems such as I’m Gary don’t make you wanna dance like a loon, you don’t know how to.

I’m sure it’s not the intended effect, but this pisses from a great height on the recent ‘return to form’ from the Pet Shop Boys. (TK) ????


The Handsome Family

Cabaret Voltaire

Handsome Family
So, the myth goes that while he’s a drunkard, she write poetry as therapy. Somewhere in between they create some of the most beautiful and under-rated music of the last decade.

Tonight, this is writ large. Brett (he of the guitar – a glorious Gretsch, natch) looks as if he can barely stand. He gurns and bellows like there’s no tomorrow. Often he discards the backing track and barely plays guitar. But, ‘`barely’, in that way that can only be done with feeling. If you have no idea what I mean, you’re going to the wrong gigs. more… “The Handsome Family”