Quietly rocking away under the radar for a few years now, these four cheeky indie chaps from Glasgow are back with a track from brand new EP ‘Colin’s Godson at the Speed of Sound’. ‘Match.com’ is actually the band’s first ever single (with a proper single launch and everything!) and, as always, the lyrics are brimming with wit and whim, exploring the wonderfully awkward world of online dating (or lack thereof, as the case may be). Musically, it offers up a bit of an existential crisis. A little bit 70s punk, a little bit mod. “But how can such a thing exist?” I hear you ask. Believe, my friends. Believe.
‘Lovestung’, despite what the name would suggest, is far from your average love song. It explores that stark 90s realism pioneered by the likes of Pulp, but with an ever-so-slightly stalker-y edge. It’s a little heavy on the Casio chords at times but has a magnificently awkward little disco breakdown which just makes it.
The lyrics of closing track ‘Jim Gellatly’s TV Dream’ read like a disturbingly accurate lament of everyone’s favourite mohawk-sporting indie DJ. The music itself is actually rather upbeat, with an extra cheesy clap-a-long factor, capturing Gellatly’s ever cheery demeanour perfectly. It’ll take a few listens to get all the jokes, but totally worth it in the end.
For a band who like to keep things short and sweet (the EP’s longest track is 1:51), Colin’s Godson somehow still manage to make an impact. Perhaps it’s their slightly daft but always sincere lyrics, ringing true with listeners from all walks of life. Perhaps it’s their penchant for a good solid pop melody, complete with memorable choruses and inviting beats. Either way, such is the whimsical talent of Colin’s Godson that you may well find yourself unwittingly humming their tunes as you’re doing the dishes.
- Poor Things - 20 May 2014
- Colin’s Godson - 1 May 2014
- Blood Red Shoes - 30 April 2014
@isthismusic Cheers for the great review! Just to say that this review is for our http://t.co/S11FYg2gWv single. CGSOS isn’t out yet!
@Colinsgodson @isthismusic Fab!! ❤️ the reference 2 Pulp! (I thot the same) Also think it has elements of sum of @Scouting4Girls stuff too.