John Foxx

Perhaps equally known as the singer/leader of the pre-Midge Ure lineup of Ultravox, and as a solo artist who pioneered the electro revolution in the early 80s, John Foxx’s career has taken many other twists and turns. more… “John Foxx”

Emma Pollock

They say “You should never meet your idols.” What if they don’t live up to your expectations? What if someone you have admired for donkey’s years turns out not to be so admirable? What if you’ve put your trust in, erm, false idols? more… “Emma Pollock”

Swimmer One

It’s heartening to see in an age when so much brands itself ‘independent’, be it in sound or attitude, that the spirit of that much (ab)used adjective lives on. One band who truly exemplify the independent ethos, in a very twenty-first century way are Swimmer One. more… “Swimmer One”

Teenage Kicks

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

For many, and probably including your average theatre-goer at the Edinburgh Festival, John Peel was that bloke off Home Truths and occasional Grumpy Old Bloke. For the rest of us, he was champion of underground music and sole voice of reason at the BBC during the years of punk. more… “Teenage Kicks”

Paul Haig

Sammy Davis Jr. knew what he was singing about: the rhythm of life is a powerful beat. For twenty-five years, Rhythm Of Life’s been an imprint for numerous Paul Haig projects since his first solo ventures after the break-up of the gloriously edgy Josef K. more… “Paul Haig”

Reclaiming the Accent

As festival season approaches and Scotland’s number one favourite band gets another airing before being boxed up ‘til Hogmanay; the Proclaimer twins are a reminder of the joke that surrounds Scottish music scene- a parody of a nation who can be summed up with an end of night disco classic about being that man who wakes up next to you. more… “Reclaiming the Accent”

The Amphetameanies

AmphetameaniesFor one of Scotland’s top live acts to celebrate their 10-year anniversary by taking Xmas off, seems a little unconventional. However, when you learn that the band in question is 18-legged ska machine the Amphetameanies, you realise that you’re not exactly dealing with the norm. more… “The Amphetameanies”