Sound Of ZZZ

Sound Of ZZZ

This album follows very much in the veins of recent efforts by The Rapture and LCD Soundsystem, generating brutal sweaty tension through heavy basslines and kick drums. Unlike much of the aural candy floss which passes itself off as hardcore dance music, this album is a heart-pounding treat, lingering long in the mind after the disc has stopped spinning. more… “Sound Of ZZZ”

The Thrills

Midnight Choir

This is one of those perfect records to listen to when you’re wide awake in the middle of the night, when you feel like you’re the only person left alive in the world. more… “The Thrills”

The Mock Heroic

Dignified Exits

The best marker by which to judge a rock’n’roll record has always been its opening track. Dignified Exits opens on an absolute blinder. ‘Own Eyes’, with its thunderous drum rolls and gravelly guitars grabs the listener by the neck. more… “The Mock Heroic”


Into A Swan

The blossoming of Siouxsie Sioux has been a long time in the happening but, judging by what’s on display here, it’s sure as hell been worth the wait. more… “Siouxsie”


Glasgow Carling Academy

With its dry ice, giant glo-sticks and men in suits, this feels very much like the last disco on earth. And the crowd behave accordingly, with enthusiastic screams and yells. more… “Underworld”

Turin Brakes


The first word that springs to mind here is dark. It’s a perfect summation of the heart of this song – a brooding, dark, sensual and scary atmosphere. more… “Turin Brakes”

Crowded House

She Called Up

‘She Called Up’ demonstrates that, if anything, Neil Finn’s voice has got bluesier over the years. It has more of a weary, lived-in quality now than it did twenty years ago more… “Crowded House”


One Day Son, This Will All Be Yours

There’s a very natural air to this album. It sounds as though the musicians in the band are actually, you know, enjoying the music they are making. It sounds totally un-self-conscious and unafraid to be what it actually is – a great rock’n’roll album. more… “Fightstar”