Ben Kweller


‘`Pick up that guitar and play! Just play! Play that rock ‘`n’ roll for me’`, sings Kweller on set opener, ‘`Penny on the Train Track’. Taking some of his own advice for the next hour and a half. Kweller bounces around the stage with such enthusiasm and energy you can’t help but feel the exhilaration sweeping across the crowd more… “Ben Kweller”


Renfrew Ferry

There aren’t many unsigned bands who could pull off a successful ‘`evening with’ style show but this is exactly what Glasgow natives Logan did in a very special performance in front of a hometown audience. Drawing on material from all three of their albums, they started off with a truly amazing acoustic set whereby they took the opportunity to perform tracks that rarely make into their current live shows more… “Logan”

Flaming Lips

Glasgow SECC

Under a fountain of Technicolor party balloons being popped and pung around like an Aero Roadshow we notice an ensemble of Pixies and Santa-costumed stage dwellers, then from out of the dusky red smoke comes the bubble more… “Flaming Lips”


Cabaret Voltaire

“I’m quite drunk,” lead singer Stitch tells us halfway through O.B.E.’s set, taking a swig from the bottle of wine that rests precariously at his feet. That might explain why they’ve been bumped down the order tonight, visiting guitar heroes Thousand Natural Shocks taking the lead honours after the advertised openers turned up late for their sound check. more… “O.B.E.”



The much namedropped Brazilians known as Cansei De Ser Sexy open this gig with ‘`CSS Suxxx’, also the intro track to their Sub Pop released debut album. You could say it’s a double bluff (as well as a double entendre), sneakily laying claim to any negative judgements that might be made of them more… “CSS”

Two Gallants

King Tut's

San Fransisco indie-folk-blues-mongers Two Gallants are in town and are hoping for no repeat of recent Houston gig where an over zealous southern copper, in the ‘`Respect My Authorotah’ mould, tazered Lead-Gallant Adam after a complaint about the noise escalated more… “Two Gallants”



Some say they’re reshaping classical music using traditional rock instruments – surely the most damning insult one could receive? Being told you sound conservative AND antiquated! more… “Mono”

The Blood Arm

Cabaret Voltaire

‘`Ladies and Gentleman, please take you seats and let me tell you a story, a story about my quadruplets, they were born in an island just off the coast here, yeah the coast of Edinburgh and that was five years ago, five years ago today. And tonight they have come to play for you more… “The Blood Arm”