Noah and the Whale

Edinburgh Cabaret Voltaire

The hour long wait after the support’s finish is almost unbearable. And not for excitement around seeing the latest folk popsters (pop folkers?) that have got the Zane Lowe listeners nodding in approval. more… “Noah and the Whale”

Twilight Sad

Edinburgh Liquid Rooms

My Bloody Valentine deafened half the population of Scotland earlier this year with an astonishing comeback set at the Glasgow Barrowlands. And it seems the magnificent Twilight Sad have put paid to the ears of those still able to hold a proper conversation. more… “Twilight Sad”

Broken Records

Liquid Rooms, Edinburgh

Give them a few years, hoping they learn that not every instrument has to be played with the volume up to 11 along the way, and supporting act tonight, Jesus H. Foxx, may one day be mentioned in the same breath as Pavement. With similar anarchic backing vocals and spiky guitars, they belong in 90s America, though Edinburgh in the new millennium will gladly take them. And these cobbled streets wouldn’t say no to the headliners tonight either, with their gothic euphoria something that can only be embraced by a city with such a beautiful but blood-stained past. more… “Broken Records”

Gramercy Arms

Gramercy Arms

Just in time for the sun to finally hit Scotland, Gramercy Arms come racing onto the scene (with the top down of course), with 10 songs of such jangly pop sensibilities you have to look twice at the cover to convince yourself it’s not Teenage Fanclub’s welcome return. more… “Gramercy Arms”

The Hair

Half Cut

Oh so jagged, but isn’t every post punk indie sort these days? It does at least try to build to something credible towards the end, but by then the tedium’s already set in. more… “The Hair”


Take Me to the Core of Myself

A song with one of those titles that sees the artist attempt to throw up some form of philosophy for the listener to ponder during the three minutes of life they may give over to this record. more… “Docksud”

Absentee / Liam Finn / Jeremy Warmsley (Transgressive Hot Summer Tour)

Glasgow King Tut's

Glasgow has rarely come close to any weather that approaches being described as a “hot summer” these last few weeks, so perhaps Transgressive had their hopes raised a bit too high with the name of their mini-festival touring the UK. But then again, “a rather dreich, windswept summer tour” wouldn’t attract half as many people as packed out King Tut’s tonight. more… “Absentee / Liam Finn / Jeremy Warmsley (Transgressive Hot Summer Tour)”