Rats On Rafts

Deep Below

‘Deep Below’ is the fourth album from Dutch post-punks Rats On Rafts, an effort that strips away all superfluous elements and boils the band down to its dark, raw, constituent parts. more… “Rats On Rafts”


Glasgow SWG3 (TV Studio)

Local hero in the making, Rahul.mp3 gives the people exactly what they want from behind the decks. more… “cupcakKe”

The Muldoons

We Saw The View

The Muldoons formed in Paisley back in the early ’90s, quickly amassed a small but dedicated following from local shows, and then quietly faded away without releasing anything. more… “The Muldoons”



Descendant is the third album from the Scottish-indie supergroup, Snowgoose. The core duo of Anna Sheard and Jim McCulloch return, and they’ve invited a few pals along. more… “Snowgoose”

Nils Frahm

Edinburgh Usher Hall

It’s a rare show that maintains the original organ/seats at the back of the Usher Hall stage, usually it’s covered by whatever backdrop an artist has. more… “Nils Frahm”