A Tuesday so long ago dinosaurs may have still been roaming the planet / Arthur’s Seat may have still be an active volcano.
Looks can be deceiving. A skeletal drummer doesn’t necessarily mean the drum kit will sound like it is being played with knitting needles. Prison White’s drummer certainly proves this with powerful, driving, krautrock beats that lay down tarmac for artic lorries of feedback thundering out of the guitarists amp. In between all the noise, cowboy film guitar licks and creepy vocals wind around, creating a cinematic vibe.
Baby in Vain continue down this chaotic road, with a heavy-metal-groove opener, enigmatic guitar solos, and a screaming blues voice. This all-girl trio unleash track after track of brutal songs, some with stalkerish vocals, some culminating in glorious two handed tapping solos. The beauty of all this is the chaos & violence is perfectly contained within excellent song structures, so it never seems too sprawling or too random. Kind of like an illegal rave, fightclub and paratrooper drugs raid all taking place at the same time in Linlithgow Palace. Exactly like that.
The Wytches wrap up this memorable night at Sneaky Pete’s, using strange blue smoke, a candle lit stage, and weird organ sounds to set the scene. Tremelo guitars screech and vibrato, dark hooky bass lines pounce out of the giant bass amp like werewolves, and vocals are shouted as harshly as if you drank wasps instead of Lemsip. They even play a quiet one mid set, which made things even more unsettling. After this, their dark, punk take on The Shadows surfer vibe only intensifies, with crowd surfing and the ceiling shaking. It’s just like Christopher Lee on a surfboard, chasing a shark, killing it with eye-lightning and feeding it to his psycho dolphin. Loved it.
- Neil Landstrumm - 16 March 2016
- Ben Klock - 28 December 2015
- Yak / Hidden Charms/ DTHPDL - 8 December 2015
So I went to a gig and wrote strange words about it https://t.co/Z21igqrPk6
“like an illegal rave, fightclub and paratrooper drugs raid all taking place at the same time in Linlithgow Palace” https://t.co/YLz0CYcIBD