This is an album that there has obviously been a lot of time and consideration put into the making of. As well as the enthusiasm of all good debuts, there is real heart and muscle evident in the playing of these songs. It is as though these guys think that this is the only chance they will get and so they’re giving it their all. Fortunately, they’re also keeping their instruments and minds focused enough to produce a tight, cogent album. The press release tags them ‘alt-rock’ but this is a bit of a misnomer. A better tag might have been ‘aural ferocity’. This is a very carefully sculpted sound, with lots of nice, sharp freshly-honed riffage to be enjoyed. These are songs, which have obviously been long-tested and formed on the anvil of the live stage, and this has paid off here, in spades.
- Grey Daze - 13 August 2020
- CPR - 5 August 2020
- Marvin Wilson - 23 July 2020