Miss the Occupier are veterans of the Glasgow scene, and certainly know how to kick-start an EP. ‘Glue Me To Thee’ is an energizing blast of punk. The abrasive riff, belligerent chorus, and distortion-soaked power chords all conspire to get the adrenaline pumping. Next up is the EP’s title track, which is the strongest song here. An addictive riff, along with a menacing bridge complete with string section, all make for a well-crafted tune.
The other two tracks on this EP let the side down, however. ‘Punchdrunk and Shamefaced’ doesn’t pack the same punch, and the power-chord driven chorus just feels like punk-by-numbers. Similarly, ‘You Know It’s Vulgar’ sticks to the same template and fails to leave as much of an impression. It’s not that these are bad songs, it’s just they feel a bit too generic for their own good. Still, the strength of the first two tracks means this EP is well worth checking out.
- Robin Adams - 2 March 2023
- Robin Adams - 3 November 2020
- Robin Adams - 20 March 2018