De-fence are a collective who’ve had everyone from King Creosote to Found via Steve Mason and Malcolm Middleton in their ranks.
Here, in the final fling of a 10-EP series, it’s definitely a collective effort.
And as such (plus having misplaced the CD’s running order) it seems fair to review the five tracks individually and in random order…
‘Mesmeric Malcamalgam’ is based around samples of chatter and birds and clicks and pops flitting in and out of the mix. ‘Empyrean Helix’ sounds like it should be a Boards of Canada title, though it’s a bit more organic than that, with odd phase shifts and far-off choral samples. ‘Rat King’ is downright sinister and frankly not an easy listen. ‘Too High To Climb’ is unusual in that it sports guitar and could be a close cousin to Viva Stereo – a potential dancefloor filler. ‘Osrava’ after a false start or three motors along like Neu only with North Atlantic Oscillation-style swells of celestial choirs. FInally, ‘Il Visitatore Nel Buio’ might just be the main theme from a spaghetti zombie movie.
As ever with all things De-fence, a varied collection, but with something for everyone.
- Ministry of De-fence - 6 November 2014
- Conquering Animal Sound - 5 November 2014
- The Bucky Rage - 4 November 2014
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