Apparently, God Loves a Trier – well, this is a band who have been plodding happily along for some time now, and thank goodness they’ve stuck it out, if this new EP is anything to go by. The opener (the aforementioned GLaT) sets the tone for what is a set of fun-filled songs to smile to. Le Reno Amps seem to be of the opinion that music is for entertaining, and here they hammer through tantalisingly catchy country-tinged pop rhythms, edging occasionally into Nirvana-era grunge territory. Track 3, ‘Cosmic Plane’, is a stand out track, with its Lemonheads simplicity. There’s a softer side to them, too, with the folky North and South – finger-picking good! Throughout, Al Maple’s vocals are rough and thick, maple syrup over pancakes, harmonies providing the blackberries to top off the polished concoction. Lovely!
- Arab Strap - 13 October 2016
- Electric Frog - 7 June 2013
- Spare Snare - 16 May 2013
Al Maple….rough and thick…..couldn’t say it any better myself. Just a shame that it doesn’t seem to be available as a proper “touchable” vinyl or CD product. I’d buy it.