Declaring themselves prog-punk, Fatalists have stayed true to their word. Tracks on Unwelded average at a tasty five minutes.
At several points, the album teeters dangerously close to Endless Nameless territory. Reined in at the last minute, luckily. Let’s face it, it’s only K-Cob himself who gets away with those self-indulgent shenanigans.
Fatalists are self-aware. Facebook fans are asked if they can withstand the 6 minute marathon that is ‘No Compromise Just Good Times’ ft. borderline drum solo. A band with a sense of humour is always pleasant.
Opener ‘The Old Hag’ is sludge with a killer riff. ‘Stubborn Weeds’ hosts high-pitched harmonising and a cheeky pretend ending. ‘Seppuku’ is named after the act. Suicide by disembowelment.
‘Hold the Gates’ is the standout track. All over the place and distortion happy. It is pegged together by an aesthetically punk picked riff. The loud/quiet technique is in full force and used well.
Unwelded is what Melvins would sound like after a hefty dose of poppers. Entrancing.