Another slightly silly collection from the Glasgow five-piece, but the daft name hides a remarkable talent for songwriting on these five tunes. “Castle Donington, Wembley, village fetes and school assemblies” goes lead track ‘Stadium Rock’, with strains of Weezer in the tune (that’d be early Weezer, as it’s really rather ace).
‘Fire Drill’ is a flurry of buzzsaw guitar and spiraling synths all motoring along at 100mph. ‘Fish’n’chips’ more typical of bands in the ‘comedy’ genre that the band, like it or not, inhabit – but if you’re drawing comparisons with Sultans of Ping / TV Personalities (or Hectors/Poppadums/Plimptons) it’s hard to complain.
‘(Nothing Compares) TU2’ a bit of a doowop thing showing a bit of versatility, while their closing tune… actually, remember The Hector Collectors (a band tangentially connected to Colin and chums). They had a song, ‘Hey Billy Sloan’ (written, oddly, by a future member of Dananananaykroyd). Well, here’s its successor, ‘Jim Gellatly’s TV Dream’. “Let me on the telly… even Euan Mcleod had Chartbite” (ask your dad) pleads Scotland’s top indie DJ. Well, Jim’s on the telly quite a bit, which shows anything’s possible. ‘Stadium Rock’, anyone?
- Grandaddy - 23 February 2017
- Southern Tenant Folk Union - 27 February 2015
- Scott Twynholm - 26 February 2015