Schizo Fun Addict / The Boy From Space
Jericho Son Down / The Farm
Schizo Fun Addict : It�s Ironic. Geddit? �Jericho Son Down� certainly is none of the above. Like Alabama 3 doing a Sonic Youth inspired dirge, �JCD� evokes images of murderous dessert ballads; until it whips into a feedback stomp and trumpets parp along to the out of time guitar wails. If we had a horse, we�d ride into the sunset with this on our I-pod, but we don�t, and it�s been raining for three months.
The Boy From Spaces� �The Farm� (sadly not an ode to the cod-baggy 90�s act) is a jazzy acousto-parp with no sense of dynamics or what a single is supposed to be. It really does little more than make you think you might smile soon, but you probably won�t. B.F.S� b-side �Wouldn�t You Rather Be A Winner� is a spoken word banger which sounds as though it�s been mustered up in a bedsit by a computer programmer. A thrift store Boards Of Canada trying to go sci-trance. Roached spliffy and certainly Iffy.