
Caird Hall

I was always told to tell the biggest of my mistakes first, it makes the inevitable others look a bit better. So, confession time, I don’t know Morrissey’s solo music that well. In truth, I have only three albums, Viva Hate, a best of and the new one, Ringleader of the tormentors. Phew, it feels good to get that off my chest. You breathing ok now? Right, I’ll begin more… “Morrissey”

The Organ

King Tuts

When you have been hailed as the best band NME has come across at SXSW, this could be seen as something to either embrace or to fear, but The Organ take to the stage at King Tuts seemingly oblivious to the hype. They launch straight into their heavily 80’s influenced jangly indie offerings with a confidence which could be wrongly perceived as arrogance, however they are simply well rehearsed and are not ashamed to display it more… “The Organ”

The Owsley Sunshine

The Swamp

This one can be filed under the great gig, small crowd category. Reduced to a 5 piece through keyboard player and vocalist Nic Denholm’s illness, the Owsleys carry on regardless. The impact of his absence means that they are unable to deliver a set as close to their recordings as they would like more… “The Owsley Sunshine”

Station: Project

King Tuts

A large number of souls have abandoned the Sunday sunshine for the dark, sweating interior of King Tuts for White Rose Movement openers Station:Project. Purveyors of vigorous, muscular rock, they swagger with a violent air through their set, captivating the crowd with a driven, evocative cacophony of electro-influenced sounds and melody more… “Station: Project”

The Leg


Theologians of ancient Christianity now agree that the devil had the best tunes. The fallen angel’s duties according to recent thinking would have included sound-tracking a soul’s utopian stay in his Father’s kingdom. If The Leg (formerly of this parish under the nomenclature of Desc) were one of those bands booked before his fateful tumble they would have joined him for the venue change more… “The Leg”

The Walkmen / Roland Shanks / Actress Hands


Arriving at the rather unusually laid out ABC2, I have to admit that I really did not care for an appetiser of a support act, such was my excitement at seeing The Walkmen at long last.
However, I am not one for shunning a band and goin to a bar across the road so I stood with anticipation as Actress Hands shuffled on to the stage. Looking remarkably unlike a band, they did, on the other hand, look a bit like the famous Arsenal back four of the nineties! more… “The Walkmen / Roland Shanks / Actress Hands”

Ten Storeys High / Kiddo / Action Group / Callel

Sopectrum @ Queen'sHall

This year marks the fourth outing for Edinburgh`s Spectrum Festival, and with an outstanding wealth of exciting new talent around it promises to be noteworthy from the start. Providing food, drink, a handful of stalls, and a whole hall full of exciting new bands, the festival was set up to celebrate all that`s great about Scottish music and media, and today it certainly delivers. With hardly a break between bands to catch your breath, they`ve once again proved that there`s more to Scottish music than just The Proclaimers more… “Ten Storeys High / Kiddo / Action Group / Callel”

Camera Obscura

Liquid Room

`Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low, through the streets in my kilt I go, all the lassies cry, `Hello! Donald, where’s yer troosers?“ So begins Camera Obscura`s long-awaited return to the Scottish capital, and there`s certainly a sense of celebration about the gig tonight more… “Camera Obscura”

Kieran Hebden and Steve Reid

Queen's Hall

For those in the know Kieran Hebden and Steve Reid will need no introduction so feel free to skip to the next paragraph. Those partially in the know (myself included) will be aware that Kieran Hebden is 1/1 of Four Tet who has released three albums of `difficult to categorise but electronica is a reasonable lazy categorisation` more… “Kieran Hebden and Steve Reid”

Viva Voce


Viva Voce ` or Viva Vochay to you and me, are a two piece from Portland, Oregon. On steps a guy resembling the 118 118 pair with his sweatband and a pretty looking country singer gal. Well. Impressive sounds, humble harmonies, quirky lyrics, unlikely instruments and some 90s soft rock head nodding later` I felt warm inside. more… “Viva Voce”