This is a remarkable album from Mr Easter, 11 tracks of wonder…
There is no way to categorise this – a very singular artist he has been infected by the likes of Pictish Trail so you just don’t know what you are going to get.
After a very electronic title track, there is further bleeping with ‘Fall In Love’ – heavy electronic bass which recalls some early Beta Band releases, in the same spirit anyway…
The chord structures are really well worked out but mainly, it just rocks, in a wonky but true to life way, and CE is not afraid to let the vocals go askew a bit at times, all part of the bigger picture…
‘Tell Em Boy’ has woozy vocals, treated instruments and sound very bluesy, incredible really…
Every one of these tracks has its own idiosyncratic tropes, for example ‘Fall Down’ which sounds like Nick Cave fused with John Grant via Aphex, clever and resounding with raw talent and verve. This could be the defining track of the album, a real wigout – but that’s only four tracks in…
On just one listen, this record is a thing of wonder, of maturity but also rage, which is only natural for a relatively young boy… a potential record of the year, hugely impressive.