The Breeders
Glasgow O2 ABC
Sunday September 15th
Bands with a history like The Breeders, with the ons, the offs, the lineup changes and whatnot, have a habit of inspiring rather feverish anticipation more… “The Breeders”
Bands with a history like The Breeders, with the ons, the offs, the lineup changes and whatnot, have a habit of inspiring rather feverish anticipation more… “The Breeders”
If you’ve ever wondered what a bit of ’80s indie mixed with a smattering of Pixies guitar would sound like, look no further. more… “Gold Class”
Very hard record to write about, this. Not because it’s bad; it ain’t more… “Kamikaze Girls”
Any record that styles itself utterly unselfconsciously as a concept album is to be applauded royally. more… “Tryptamines”
Well then, this could be a contentious one. One being the operative word – me. more… “Depeche Mode”
From vaguely church-like moments to the grooviest parts of the hotter end of the afterlife, tonight takes an impressive shot at the lot. more… “Goldfrapp / Sparks”
Can a gig ever be so much like itself it’s, well, a bit of a let down? more… “Hexa / The Factory Photographs (David Lynch)”
It’s very hard to actively dislike Dodgy, very hard indeed. more… “Dodgy”
Well, this is all very nice. Nice music for nice people. Quite interesting in its own way but overwhelmingly… nice. more… “Modern Studies”
When the highlight of a night is not encountering Black Tower vin rouge in a bar for the first time in several millennia, you know you’re onto a winner. more… “The Jesus and Mary Chain”