The Lovely Eggs

Oeuf-ul punning

Easter is like Christmas for tabloid journalists. As well as overdosing on chocolate, means that they can torture their readers with awful puns, like “Eggstatic” and “Eggcelent.” more… “The Lovely Eggs”

Broken Chanter

No doubt about it

It might seem a long way down the M6 from Scotland to England, and musically making that journey from success north of the border to UK-wide acclaim can be a long haul. more… “Broken Chanter”

Gates of Light

London, Glasgow, Paris:

It’s close to five years since the Covid pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns which caused so much trauma for those confined to their homes. more… “Gates of Light”

Glen Hansard

Oscar-winner goes it alone

For an artist best known for his collaborative work, it may come as a surprise to learn that ‘All That Was East Is West Of Me Now’ is Glen Hansard’s fifth solo album. more… “Glen Hansard”