Spare Snare
“Yet do much less – so much less! more… “Spare Snare”
It seemed a low-key return to gigging, playing two nights in a small basement venue in their home city but after the sad passing of their manager more… “Vladimir”
I will lay my cards straight down on the table, no bluffing, but I’m a fan of Wozniak. more… “Wozniak”
Jeffrey Lewis’s biography describes him as leading a double (or even triple) life as a both a comic book writer and artist as well as a musician and performer more… “Jeffrey Lewis”
After a relatively quiet period it is a cause for celebration to have some new recordings by The Creeping Ivies and this new E.P. gives plenty to celebrate more… “The Creeping Ivies”
In my mind there are two kinds of people who play music, who create art. There are those who are compelled to do it, who feel the overwhelming urge to create something, to make a statement. more… “Stoor”
The June Brides initially existed for such a very short period between 1983 and 1986 but achieved a great deal in that initial burst of activity. more… “The June Brides”
It’s been a heady few months for Dundee duo The Creeping Ivies
… more… “The Creeping Ivies”
It felt so nice finally getting my grubby hands on a copy of this 7” single after witnessing Man Without Machines’ triumphant return more… “Man Without Machines”
Who and what is Paul Vickers? Sometime Dawn Of The Replicant and frontperson with the Leg? Oddball story teller as Mr. Twonky? more… “Paul Vickers and Friends”