There’s a reason why anyone who has used the phrase “Put a donk on it” is an unbearable arsehole. It’s not possible to have too much of a good thing; look at Gillian McKeith. She’d turn her face up at watching The Fast Show on DVD whilst eating an entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s and she looks proper miserable.
‘Robot Heart’ is sheer simplicity and it wouldn’t be the same any other way, a breezy bassline, a catchy casio melody and a chorus that you notice most when it’s running through your head at 1am and you can’t get to sleep because there’s an ace song running through your head.
The lyrics are what could be described as clever nonsense. It’s tough to know what the Norwich trio are on about when singing “There’s a ghost in the machine, this server’s got a soul”, but it’s definitely not a Kindle.
Alto45 don’t need to do much more than that on this charming single, and thankfully they don’t. It’s the direct approach to putting a smile on the face of the most repugnant, miserable soul. Dr McKeith should try it.
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